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How come I can't see the hosted files on my workstation? (OnSite 7 Only)

Tags: Filemaker

 If you installed OnSite on a workstation and can see the hosted database but not the database files through File>Open Remote, it is likely that the server.pem file did not get installed due to security settings on your computer. The server.pem is an SSL certificate file that is created when you install FileMaker Pro. It is used to find files for a hosted database.  Here are the steps  to fix this issue for a PC and a Mac

1.      Download the server.pem file from the link provided below.  Click here to download the Windows file

2.      Copy the file server.pem into the default directory for you FileMaker Pro installation folder.   NOTE: The default location of server.pem is:  C:/Program Files (x86)/Filemaker/Filemaker Pro 10/   Your installation directory may be different if you installed the FileMaker in a non-default location. See screenshot



 Click here to view Mac Instructions