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Why is the FileMaker Server Admin Console not validating a path?

Tags: Fielmaker

 The Admin Console can be configured to allow you to choose the location of where you want OnSite files to host from.  Once you have selected the location, the Admin Console will then try to validate that location.  If the Admin Console cannot validate the location check the following:

1.      Make sure that the permissions to the folder where the files are located are turned to allow writing to the folder.

2.      Ensure that you are not using a UNC file path.

3.      Ensure that you have formatted the location properly. Ex: filewin:/C:/SW Data/Backups/ or filemac:/Library/FileMaker Server/Data/Backups/.  a.      Lead with “filewin:/” or “filemac:/” b.      All slashes should be forward slashes -- / c.       You should always end the file path with a forward slash

4.      Make sure that the drive you are attempting to save to is a physical drive on the network.  Detachable and cloud drives should not be used.