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  • OnSite / Accounting / Sales Tax: Where can I find help for my Avalara Sales Tax Account?
    Answer: ShopWorks has partnered with a company called Avalara that manages your sales tax reporting.  This is a separate service and ...
  • OnSite / Accounting / Commissions: How To Setup And Use Commisisons
    Answer: In OnSite, you have the ability to setup and run commissions for your sales people.  There are several options for ...
  • OnSite / Sales Orders: Order Entry Basics
    Answer: Correct Order Entry is the most important process in using the OnSite system because most other system processes are driven off ...
  • OnSite / Production: Production Overview and Setup
    Answer: Production in OnSite is “Event Based”. This means that one Order can have multiple Events or processes. This allows a ...
  • OnSite / Products: How To Purchase Products in OnSite
    Answer: Purchasing integrates directly with Sales and Vendors which allows users to create Purchase Orders for Vendors with the corresponding products from each ...
  • OnSite / Vendors: User Tools
    Answer: The bulk import tool allows users to import address and contact lists and attach them to customers, vendors or sales ...
  • OnSite / Sales Orders: How do I handle Personalization through OnSite?
    Answer: When entering sales orders in OnSite , you have a couple of different methods for adding personalization( numbers, names, etc) ...
  • OnSite / Sales Orders: How can I enter two order types for one order?
    Answer: Entering an order in the OnSite system requires that the user has to choose one order type for a sales ...
  • OnSite / Analysis: How do production logs affect a sales order?
    Answer: The OnSite system has the ability to record labor costs for production and record the costs against an order.  These ...
  • OnSite / Production: Production Setup For Administrators
    Answer: Production Setup Production Setup in OnSite is a combination of 3 different things.  Typically these things will be setup by an administrator. ...

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